OxHill7 sold to paraDIGMA Groep


Transaction summary

AMSTERDAM, 10 November, 2021 – paraDIGMA Groep acquires OxHill7, a leading independent Dutch re-integration company.

As of December 2021, OxHill7 will join paraDIGMA Groep, a collaboration of labels with expertise in all areas of sustainable employability.

OxHill7 is an important player, with more than 90 employees, in the field of re-integration.

Rudo Vissers CEO paraDIGMA Groep: “We are very pleased to welcome OxHill7 and all its staff. With OxHill7 in addition to the existing labels Inverzo and Optios, our market position in the field of employment expert investigations, (external) re-integration and career guidance is greatly strengthened, but we also strengthen each other by being able to use each other's expertise.“

As a group, paraDIGMA wants to focus more and more on the “front end” of the process. Don't wait for people to drop out of work, but ensure the optimal balance in load and capacity. With the expansion that is now being realized, the paraDIGMA group can support organizations and their employees even better to create the right match between personal and work environment.

The acquisition is subject to approval from the Dutch Healthcare Authority.

Official press release: click here

Emendo Capital acted as exclusive financial adviser to OxHill7.

About OxHill7

OxHill7 is a leading independent Dutch re-integration company. The company was founded in 2006, is headquartered in ‘s-Hertogenbosch and employs over 90 employees. OxHill7 offers a wide range of services to a diversified client base in the Netherlands.

For additional information on OxHill7, visit https://oxhill7.nl/

About paraDIGMA Groep

paraDIGMA Groep is a Mentha Capital owned multi-label leading Dutch occupational health services player operating in the field of sustainable employability. Its occupational health and safety services provider adopts a unique approach to absenteeism, leading to progressive and highly effective absenteeism and health policies within organizations. The group also offers psychological interventions, outplacement and re-integration, labour research and advice, and business training.

For additional information on paraDIGMA Groep, visit https://www.paradigma.nl/

Emendo Capital